SLF is an unrestricted endowment fund with managed distributions to benefit two core areas of funding for SHS: Programs and Individual Student Support.

Areas of Greatest Need – Programs

Funding SKYLINE immediate needs focused on academic and extracurricular program support so that students can focus time and energy on scholastic priorities. The types of projects may include performance and visual arts, equipment for athletics, specialized curriculum materials, new program initiatives, and club support. Project selection and funding is determined annually by the Board-designated committee at the beginning of and during each school year in collaboration with SKYLINE administration. Current academic year projects and funding goals are reviewed quarterly.

Scholarships and Financial Aid – Individual Student Support

Funding for SKYLINE scholarships and aid for students that may include college level tuition, special program participation fees, transportation assistance, food support, and other determined individual needs. Funding determination by the Board-designated committee occurs throughout the academic year as demand and new opportunities are presented. Priorities are established in collaboration with the SKYLINE administration. Current academic year scholarships, aid, and funding goals are reviewed quarterly.

SLF – Endowment Management

Funding source for program projects and individual student scholarship and aid awards described herein. Donations to SLF may be in the form of cash, securities, corporate match programs, and distributions from life insurance, trusts, or estates. SLF endowment funds are strategically and prudently invested in accordance with SLF guidelines with reporting oversight by the Board-designated committee. A separate Board-designated committee will oversee the process of awards and funds distribution and provide calendar quarterly reporting.